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Richard Mogg

Director  |  Senior Consultant

Richard Mogg’s first career was 30 years as a senior Australian Army Officer, during which time he concurrently explored meditation, mindfulness, yoga and various resilience protocols as a means to maintain balance, optimise performance and manage stress.


As an Army Officer, Richard led both large and small teams and transformation programs in complex and demanding environments, including during peace-keeping operations, humanitarian assistance, disaster response, combat operations and conflict resolution - in East Timor, the South Pacific, Iraq, Afghanistan, the United States and Australia.


Richard is passionate about helping others to achieve optimal performance and well-being both individually and as a team, to build resilience and self-awareness, to empower leaders and  employees, to enhance emotional intelligence, to manage stress, anxiety, chronic pain and insomnia, to support recovery from trauma and to enhance well-being.


- Registered Meditation Teacher - Meditation Association of Australia

- Certified Integrative Restoration (iRest® ) Yoga Nidra Meditation Teacher

- Accredited Dispute Mediator
- Accredited CINERGY® Conflict Management Coach

- Yoga Teacher: 200h Powerliving, Trauma Aware Yoga FY

- Member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapists


Academic Qualifications

- Masters of Strategy – International Relations

- Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

- Graduate Diploma - Business Administration

- Graduate Diploma - Logistics

- Bachelor of Arts

- Graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College

- Graduate of the Royal Military College - Duntroon

- Graduate of the Australian Defence Force Academy


Past Events:


- Mindfulness for Military: Improving Human Performance,   Cognitive Mastery, Emotional Intelligence and Resilience,

in Grounded Curiosity, 19 November 2016



8 March 2018

Let's Get


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​- Introducing iRest® to the Australian Military, Yoga From the

Inside, 8 August 2018




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